Take Advantage Of ZOL’s Free Data Promotion
Zimbabwe’s leading and largest internet service provider, ZOL has introduced a free data promotion. The competition however seems to be targeting new signups only as opposed to existing subscribers like us. According to the promotion those who sign up using the included instructions will get free data in the third month. That is if they pay for data during the first two months. The third month will be on ZOL.
LIMITED OFFER! SIGN UP AND GET FREE DATA IN MONTH 3 Stay surfing the Internet for longer
… Hakuna Matata with FREE data in month 3, that’s a great ZOLution.Choose any uncapped package, stay connected and get month 3, FREE. Or sign up on any capped package, stay connected and in month 3, get your month 3 data doubled. Hurry! Sign up today for fast
, reliable Internet with ZOL Fibroniks. Click the following link to sign up https://loom.ly/jYntm78#YouDeserveToLiveLikeThis
To take advantage of the promotion please follow the link above
Apparently this is not a new promotion but we only just became aware of it. According to the promotion, the deal is offered to those who sign up for ZOL between the 1st of December 2020 and 28 February 2021. This implies that the promotion has been running for a while. Sadly the promotion only applies to Fibroniks and does not appear to be available to Wibroniks customers. This is rather sad as it means that the deal will just be available to people from the richer surbubs where there is good fibre coverage.
Things to take note of
- To qualify-
- New customers must choose any uncapped package, and get month 3 FREE,
- Or sign up on any capped packages and in month 3 get double your data.
- The FREE month or Double data prize will be credited into the customer account on the 3rd month from the date of Signing up.
- FREE Data has a 60-day validity.
To sign up follow the link above.
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