There are strong indications that Starlink, the satellite internet service created by SpaceX, is set to launch in Zimbabwe very soon. Willard Shoko, a well-regarded expert on Starlink in Zimbabwe, has uncovered intriguing details about the service’s impending arrival. Notably, Starlink has now been provisioned with Zimbabwean IP addresses, signalling that the final preparations for the launch are well underway. The service is likely to go live within the next month, as the Starlink website states that it will be operational in the third quarter of 2024. Given that we are currently in the last week of August, this leaves us with only until the end of September.

The Risks of Buying from Resellers

As we await the official launch, it is crucial to avoid purchasing Starlink equipment from resellers. Currently, those seeking Starlink in Zimbabwe typically do so through a workaround:

  1. Ordering from Neighbouring Countries: Many individuals travel to countries where Starlink is already operational—such as Zambia, Malawi, or Mozambique—to purchase their kits.
  2. Activating Roaming Options: After acquiring the equipment, users activate the roaming option, allowing their Starlink kit to function in Zimbabwe for an additional fee of approximately US$20-30/month.
  3. Using the Kit in Zimbabwe: Finally, the kit is brought back to Zimbabwe and activated.

However, relying on this workaround presents significant challenges:

Enforcement of the 60-Day Roaming Rule

Starlink has recently begun to enforce its 60-day roaming policy. This rule was designed for temporary use, allowing users to take their Starlink kits on the road. Historically, enforcement of this policy was lax, but reports have surfaced indicating that users in countries like Cameroon and South Africa have had their connections restricted. They received emails informing them that their roaming privileges had ended. Given these developments, it is highly likely that users in Zimbabwe will face similar restrictions if they continue to utilise the roaming workaround.

Introduction of New Activation Fees

In addition to the roaming rule, Starlink has implemented a new activation fee for kits purchased outside of Zimbabwe. If you buy your kit in the United States at discounted prices, for instance, and then bring it to Zimbabwe, you will be required to pay an extra US$200 on top of your first month’s internet bill once the service officially launches in Zimbabwe. This new fee poses a significant financial burden for those who hope to transition from roaming to a permanent connection. The “outside region” fees you pay will vary. You can see the full list here.


According to another local Starlink guru we spoke to, the “out of region” fees only apply if you buy your Starlink kit from outside our region. This means that this does not apply if you buy your kit from say Zambia, Malawai or Mozambique. This is because these countries are in the same region as us.

The Benefits of Waiting for the Official Launch

Unless you reside in a remote area of Zimbabwe where internet options are severely limited, it is advisable to remain patient and wait for the official Starlink launch. Existing internet providers still offer viable alternatives, and the imminent launch of Starlink means you will soon have access to a robust service.

Advantages of Buying Locally

By purchasing your Starlink equipment officially in Zimbabwe, you will enjoy several benefits:

  • Lower Costs: Acquiring the equipment directly from Starlink will save you from the hefty US$200 activation fee.
  • Reliable Support: Buying locally ensures that you will receive customer support from Starlink, should you encounter any issues with your service.
  • Avoiding Risks: Purchasing from resellers can often lead to complications, including potential service disruptions and lack of warranty.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Starlink officially launch in Zimbabwe?

Starlink is expected to go live in Zimbabwe within September 2024, as indicated on their website.

What should I do if I need internet access before the launch?

If you require internet access in the meantime, it is advisable to continue using your current provider. Consider exploring other options, especially if you live in urban areas where connectivity is more reliable.

Is it worth purchasing Starlink equipment from resellers?

No, it is not advisable to buy Starlink equipment from resellers due to the potential for complications, including activation fees, service restrictions, and lack of customer support.

What are the advantages of using Starlink?

Starlink offers high-speed internet access in remote areas, low latency, and the ability to connect multiple devices simultaneously. It is particularly beneficial for those in rural areas with limited internet options.

How can I prepare for the official launch of Starlink?

To prepare for the launch, ensure that you stay updated by checking the official Starlink website and local news sources. Consider signing up for updates from Starlink to receive announcements directly.


The arrival of Starlink in Zimbabwe marks a significant milestone in the quest for enhanced internet connectivity across the nation. As we approach the official launch, it is vital to steer clear of reseller kits and their associated risks. By remaining patient and awaiting the rollout of Starlink’s services, you will not only save money but also ensure a smoother transition to this promising internet solution. With Starlink, the future of connectivity in Zimbabwe is looking brighter than ever.

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