Prepare For Foul-Smelling Mouths, As The Price Of Toothpaste Doubles

Last Updated: October 18, 2019By Tags: ,

In our latest survey, we noticed that the price of toothpaste has more than doubled in some shops. By toothpaste, we mean the standard Colgate 100ml toothpaste tube although the prices of other brands of toothpaste have gone up as well.

Toothpaste was selling for:

  • $7.49 in OK supermarkets
  • $8.99 in Choppies
  • $9.99 in Pick N Pay although it had gone up the next day we checked
  • $15.99 in Food World

Today when we did our final survey checks we got the following prices for the same:

  • $17.00
  • $15.99
  • $9.49
  • $18.55

In the same shops respectively. Here is a free piece of advice, if you value your dental hygiene you need to rush to Choppies now before the price changes. The low price is probably because they are selling old stock and once the new stock is delivered the price will probably rise to match that of its peers.

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