Here is the average price of a haircut in Harare

Last Updated: March 24, 2025By Tags: ,

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when it comes to hairdressing, women typically pay significantly more than men. Our investigations here at Zimpricecheck have revealed that the average Zimbabwean woman can expect to spend between US$20 and US$50 each month on hair maintenance. Of course, there are outliers. We encountered one lady who claimed to be spending as much as US$500 on her hair. While initially incredulous, a single glance at her elaborate hairstyle silenced our doubts; it was an investment that was clear for all to see.

While some men, particularly those with dreadlocks or complex styles, also dedicate considerable sums to their hair, the vast majority of Zimbabwean men require the services of a barber for regular haircuts. This observation sparked our curiosity: How much does a haircut cost in Harare, where Zimpricecheck is based? What is the average price, and what are the extremes at both ends of the spectrum? As always, we decided to embark on a comprehensive survey to uncover the truth.

As with our previous price check expeditions, such as our look at the cost of bread and the price of school fees , the results were both illuminating and, frankly, surprising. We had initially operated under the assumption that the average price of a haircut hovered around US$1.50, with a maximum of US$2. This was, after all, the price we routinely paid. However, here at Zimpricecheck, we pride ourselves on never allowing assumptions to cloud our pursuit of accurate data. Discussions with colleagues residing in various Harare suburbs revealed that the price of a haircut is heavily influenced by location. What was even more striking was that the price did not always correlate with the quality of the haircut! We encountered some truly impressive US$1 haircuts, while some US$10 haircuts left us distinctly unimpressed.

So, what did our survey reveal? Let us delve into the details:

High-Density Suburbs and Downtown Harare: The Realm of the US$1 Haircut

The mode, or most frequently charged price, for a haircut in Harare is a mere US$1. Yes, you read that correctly! While this may seem improbable at first, it becomes more understandable when considering the dynamics of barbershops in downtown Harare and high-density suburbs. Our research indicates that the average barber in these areas can tend to 20-30 clients per day during peak periods, although this number can plummet to as few as 4-5 on slower days. This translates to a daily income of US$20-30 on a good day and a meagre US$5 on a bad one. Fortunately, thanks to the constant flow of foot traffic – most barbershops are strategically positioned in high-traffic areas – it is relatively uncommon for barbers to go home empty-handed.

Interestingly, we also gained insights into the rental arrangements prevalent in downtown barbershops and salons. A common model involves a company leasing an entire floor of a building and then sub-letting individual rooms to individuals who are accountable to the company. These individuals, in turn, seek sub-tenants. In downtown barbershops, rentals are often calculated per chair, with each barber typically occupying a single chair. The cost of renting a chair and mirror space can vary considerably depending on the precise location. At Coppercabana, for example, the price is approximately US$50 per chair per month, a rate considered fair. Barbers usually make small contributions towards this amount rather than paying it as a lump sum.

In residential neighbourhoods, barbershops are often housed in wooden cabins or other small structures. In these locations, rent is typically paid for the entire structure, although barbers often engage in supplementary activities to bolster their income. These ventures often include collaborations with hairdressers (resulting in a combined barbershop and salon), gaming dens, offering music/movie loading services onto USB drives, or even selling snacks and vegetables.

In Epworth, we discovered an intriguing rental model known as the “50-50 arrangement”. Instead of charging fixed rental fees, the barber and landlord agree to split the day’s revenue equally at the end of the day.

Returning to pricing, we noted the existence of barbers willing to shave heads for as little as US$0.50, but with certain stipulations. These discounted rates were generally reserved for schoolchildren and members of apostolic sects, whose haircuts are typically simpler and can be completed in as little as two minutes.

Medium-Density Suburbs and the Mid-CBD: A Price Range of US$1.50 to US$5

In medium-density suburbs and the “mid” sections of Harare’s Central Business District, prices ranged from US$1.50 to US$3, with the occasional US$5 haircut. Here, the type of haircut significantly impacted the price. Simpler cuts, such as the “English cut” and “zuda”, were cheaper than more elaborate hairstyles involving dreadlocks and fades. Ladies were commonly charged closer to US$5, reflecting the complexity of their requirements and the perception that they are more willing to spend.

We also encountered sought-after barbers who have deliberately priced their services to attract a specific clientele, typically charging the infamous US$5 per haircut. These barbers tend to prioritize quality over quantity. Interestingly, they also exhibit a knack for dynamically adjusting their prices based on the perceived willingness to pay of each individual customer.

Uptown Harare: Where Prices Know No Bounds

In the more affluent areas of Harare, prices can range from as low as US$1, depending on the precise location, to a staggering US$50, as reported by one barbershop. These barbers cater to a discerning clientele and price their services accordingly. However, it is important to note that not all low-density suburbs are created equal. Older suburbs like Greendale tend to be more affordable, with prices ranging from US$2 to US$5. More upscale suburbs command higher prices, averaging around US$10 per haircut, reflecting higher rental costs and a lower volume of customers.

Striking the Right Balance: Quality vs. Cost

To reiterate, the most frequently charged price for a haircut in Harare is US$1, not US$5, as some have suggested on social media. While there is no direct correlation between price and quality, paying more can often lead to a better haircut. A higher price tag often translates to a barber who is not rushed and can dedicate more time and attention to detail. However, there is a point of diminishing returns where you are simply overpaying.

The key is to strike a balance between being too frugal and risking a subpar haircut and needlessly spending more than necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it worth paying more for a haircut?
    It depends. In high-density areas, paying slightly more (US$2-US$3) can often result in a more careful and detailed haircut. In wealthier areas, a higher price may reflect higher overhead costs and a more experienced barber.
  • Do barbers in Harare accept different forms of payment?
    Most barbers in Harare will accept USD cash. Some may also accept EcoCash or mobile money transfers, but it is always best to confirm beforehand.
  • Are there any hidden costs associated with getting a haircut in Harare?
    It is customary to tip your barber, particularly if you are satisfied with their service.


Based on our findings, we can offer the following recommendations:

  • If you reside in a high-density suburb, seek out a skilled barber and be prepared to pay around US$2-US$3. The extra investment will likely be worthwhile. Paying less may result in a hurried and less-than-satisfactory job, while paying more may be unnecessary.
  • If you live in a medium-density suburb or an older low-density suburb like Greendale, consider paying the standard US$5 for a haircut. Paying less may leave you with a less-than-pleasant experience.
  • If you live in an affluent suburb such as Borrowdale, Glen Lorne, or Helensvale, you have two choices: either accept the higher prices or venture into other areas to find a more affordable barber and perhaps some local gossip along the way.

Ultimately, finding a good barber who provides a quality haircut at a reasonable price requires research, experimentation, and perhaps a little luck. Remember, price is not always an indicator of quality, so trust your instincts and find a barber who understands your needs and delivers a haircut that leaves you feeling confident and satisfied. Be sure to share your experiences and recommendations with us here at Zimpricecheck! We are a community and together we share the insights.

This article builds on our previous work on pricing in Harare, including our articles on the price of bread and the cost of school fees. Be sure to check them out for more insights into the Zimbabwean economy.

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