In a groundbreaking development for Zimbabwe’s internet landscape, Zimpricecheck can exclusively reveal that Frampol, a well-established ICT solutions company, has been granted approval to become an official Starlink reseller. This exciting news comes as the country eagerly anticipates the imminent launch of Starlink’s satellite internet service.

Frampol’s Strategic Move

Frampol has wasted no time in capitalizing on this opportunity. The company has already begun reaching out to its existing business clients, inviting them to reserve their Starlink kits in preparation for the service’s launch. This proactive approach demonstrates Frampol’s confidence in Starlink’s potential to revolutionize internet connectivity in Zimbabwe.

In a communication sent to customers, Frampol outlined its enticing offer:

“As our valued customer, we are thrilled to announce that Frampol has been officially approved as a Starlink Reseller! We are providing the opportunity to secure your Kit while awaiting Government approval.”

The package includes:

  • Monthly data packages and installation options
  • Local dedicated assistance with priority Starlink partner support
  • Simplified billing and flexible payment options
  • Expert integration with existing network infrastructure

This comprehensive offering positions Frampol as a strong contender in the race to bring Starlink to Zimbabwean consumers and businesses. Customers were given a number (withheld) to use to place their orders.

The Competitive Landscape

While Frampol has secured approval from Starlink, they are not alone in this endeavor. IMC, another company with aspirations to distribute Starlink in Zimbabwe, has already obtained government approval to operate as an ISP. However, the government has made it clear that IMC does not hold exclusive rights to be a Starlink reseller.

Interestingly, IMC’s progress in reaching an official agreement with Starlink remains unclear. The company has been noticeably quiet since the initial announcement of their potential role in distributing Starlink. This silence has fueled speculation about the status of their partnership with Starlink, though nothing has been confirmed.

It’s worth noting that Starlink maintains a regularly updated website listing their official resellers, and IMC is currently absent from this list. This omission suggests that a formal agreement may not yet be in place.

The Race to Serve the Market

The current situation presents an intriguing dynamic:

  1. IMC has government approval but lacks a confirmed deal with Starlink.
  2. Frampol has Starlink’s approval but is awaiting government authorization.

This creates a compelling race to see which company will be first to bring Starlink’s services to Zimbabwean consumers. Frampol’s move to invite kit reservations indicates they believe they can quickly overcome any remaining hurdles.

The Crucial Role of Local Resellers

The importance of local resellers in Starlink’s strategy cannot be overstated. As an American company, Starlink faces numerous challenges in navigating Zimbabwe’s complex regulatory environment and unique business culture. Recent years have seen several foreign companies withdraw from the Zimbabwean market, with Unilever being a notable example.

By partnering with established local companies like Frampol, Starlink can tap into Zimbabwe’s eager market while minimizing its exposure to regulatory and operational risks. This approach allows Starlink to benefit from local expertise and existing customer relationships.

For Zimbabwean consumers, local resellers offer significant advantages:

  • Local support: Customers can receive assistance in their time zone and language.
  • Simplified billing: While foreign currency may still be required for payments to Starlink, local resellers can streamline many aspects of account management.
  • Integration expertise: Companies like Frampol bring years of experience in integrating new technologies with existing infrastructure.

The Impending Launch and Market Impact

All signs point to Starlink going live in Zimbabwe very soon, possibly even this month. The anticipation of Starlink’s arrival has already sent shockwaves through the local ISP market. Established providers are scrambling to adjust their pricing and service offerings to remain competitive in the face of Starlink’s expected capabilities.

This upheaval in the market presents both challenges and opportunities for consumers. As ISPs race to improve their services, Zimbabweans may soon have access to faster, more reliable, and potentially more affordable internet options than ever before.


The approval of Frampol as a Starlink reseller marks a significant milestone in Zimbabwe’s journey towards improved internet connectivity. As the race between potential resellers heats up, consumers stand to benefit from increased competition and innovation in the market.

While challenges remain, including regulatory approvals and infrastructure development, the future of internet access in Zimbabwe looks brighter than ever. Zimpricecheck will continue to monitor this developing story, providing updates as Starlink’s launch draws nearer and its impact on the Zimbabwean internet landscape becomes clearer.

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