Econet Hikes WhatsApp Bundles, Monthly Bundle Now Starts At $53 ZWL, New Bundle Prices 4 February 2020
As has already been noted in our earlier post on new data bundles, Econet has done it again. They have made some (unwelcome) adjustments to their WhatsApp and other social bundles that include Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Talking of social, here is something strange, their Sasai bundles remain the same. Maybe this is an attempt to make people see the “error” of their ways and seduce more people to use their in-house “chat” app. It is doubtful this will work given the hurdles that stand in the way of that happening. Saving a few RTGS dollars is never going to be enough to entice people to Sasai.
The Private WiFi bundles also remain the same. Although not many people are using private WiFi. It is a good deal.
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